....And Niah's Story Begins in 3...2..!!!!!

Welcome! I hear blogging is therapeutic so I've decided to give it a shot! Please bear with me as I figure out how to work everything. This is my way of evolving and letting go all of the pain that has affected me for so long. I've decided to divide this blog into three parts: The Diary, The Truth, and The Journey. I hope this blogs helps someone as much as it helps me. Thanks for the support and enjoy!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Truth: Identity Theft

Be who you are...
As a generation who are we? Nicki Minaj? Lil Wayne? The hottest new song or the cutest clothing label? I mean really, who are we? Everyone today is so consumed with being "different" that it's becoming the norm to wear ridiculous clothing, bright colors, and spend hours thinking of a status or tweet to put online just so we can get a few likes or retweets. Everyone wants to be the next "it" girl or guy. Everyone wants to be the most philosophical individual, using recycled and insincere quotes that are just meant for shock value. No one wants to be themselves anymore...they want to be who the media tells them to be and label it as being different. I know that we as humans crave a certain amount of attention, but when is it enough? Is it when we've left our true self in the ashes of fear, and walked into the clouded fog of acceptance? It is when we've cleaned our body of our essence and present ourselves as media-pressed shiny shell? Hollowing out all the things that makes us truly an individual, and presenting something so paper-thin that we can't even remember who we were before? Just because you're on the latest music, that doesn't make you cool. Just because you have a pair of Cool Greys or have the latest fashion doesn't make you an individual. You can know every song that's on the radio and each new underground artists. You can know every fashion and make-up tip to date. You can say every quote that's online and even create a few yourself. But when you step away from the pressures of society, who are you? Are you an indivdual that can stand alone? Are you the same person you present to the world? Or have you gotten lost in society's expectations? I guess the one thing anyone reading this should take from this article, is to be who you are. Be that a Plain Jane, G.I. Jane, or Mary Jane. I know that as young people we haven't gotten it completely figured out, but one thing that we all are born with that will never change is our beautiful, pure personalites. Open your mind and heart. Remember who you are and let that shine from within...because who you are will outshine any clothes you wear, any song you know, and any quote you can give. Don't let society commit identity theft.

~Yours Truly, Miss Niah

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