....And Niah's Story Begins in 3...2..!!!!!

Welcome! I hear blogging is therapeutic so I've decided to give it a shot! Please bear with me as I figure out how to work everything. This is my way of evolving and letting go all of the pain that has affected me for so long. I've decided to divide this blog into three parts: The Diary, The Truth, and The Journey. I hope this blogs helps someone as much as it helps me. Thanks for the support and enjoy!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Truth: Everyone's in the Masquerade (Part 1)

Death of Barbie....

I am so tired of people parading around trying to be something they're not! The most upsetting thing about this is...they seem to be proud of it! I mean really...you're a "Barbie" or "the baddest bitch?"  Really, that's the best thing you can say about yourself? That's what you want people to know about you? That you're a fake, plastic, artificial being playing around in a pretend world while someone else tells you what to be? HELLO! Reality check! In case you forgot Barbie is a pretty plaything. That's it, nothing more. She doesn't dress herself, choose the path she takes or even has a say in her life what-so-ever. When little girls are done playing with her they throw her away...forget about her.  So ask yourself, it that what you want to be? A pretty plaything with no substance that's easily replaced and forgotten? Hey don't get me wrong Nicki Minaj makes decent music, I have nothing against her... She's a good artist...and that's it. Sure some people like Nicki Minaj can afford to be Barbies.  That's her career, that's her livelihood. But for women who aren't making millions of dollars...it's time to put the dolls down. Grow up! You should not be a twenty-something dedicating your time to being a Barbie!  You should not have children and in the same breath represent yourself as a child's toy. I know it may seem glamorous but it's time to step out of Barbie's world and come back to reality. Realize your potential as a woman and become yourself. Don't use snappy lyrics and cute clothes to define who you are. Be more than that. Let your personality shine from within and you'll thank yourself for it later.

~Yours Truly, Miss Niah

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