....And Niah's Story Begins in 3...2..!!!!!

Welcome! I hear blogging is therapeutic so I've decided to give it a shot! Please bear with me as I figure out how to work everything. This is my way of evolving and letting go all of the pain that has affected me for so long. I've decided to divide this blog into three parts: The Diary, The Truth, and The Journey. I hope this blogs helps someone as much as it helps me. Thanks for the support and enjoy!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Journey : Ten things about me!

For my first post I've decided to tell you a little about me...sooooo...here we go!

10 Things About Miss Niah...

1. I constantly worry about EVERYTHING! : As nonchalant as I try to be...deep down...I'm a worry-wart. I worry about big things, small things, things that don't matter, and everything in between. I'm trying to stop this constant worrying but then I end up worrying about worrying!

2. I have a small phobia of germs: I don't freak out at the thought of germs or anything but I will wash my hands three times and use a little hand sanitizer after taking out the trash. Sometimes I have to laugh at myself for how ridiculous it is, but hey, it's who I am.

3. I'm naturally awkward and anti-social: I must admit...about 90% of people annoy the crap out of me... but no one would ever guess that about me since in most cases I'm extremely polite and friendly. However just because I'm friendly doesn't mean I like people...it just means I'm not a bitch. Going to college really has helped me flourish in the social aspect so I'm not as introverted as I once was.  But still even today, ask me if I want go to a club or party...then ask me if I want to play Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood...I'm definitely staying in for the night!

4.  I loooooooove music: Music helps me get through the trials in my life. I can listen to almost any genre. I was simply sick when my iPod passed away. I now have at least one playlist of music on any eletronic device I have and even have a back-up library on my flash drive. When I'm sad...I listen to music. When I'm happy...I listen to music. And when I'm just plain bored...you guessed it...I LISTEN TO MUSIC!!!!!!

5. I neglect my friends: Don't get me wrong, if you're truly my friend I sincerely care about you. But as I stated in #3 I'm just awkward and anti-social. So I tend to forget to call or chat on facebook. It's just in my nature to be alone and it's easier for me to just be by myself than to call up a friend. So if any of you are reading this just know that I LOVE YOU and if you ever need anything I'm here for you. (Seriously I'm really trying to work on this...but it's harder than you think.)

6. I'm a good listener: I understand what it's like to just want everyone to shut the freak up and listen to what you have to say. That's why whenever someone comes to me with a problem , I take it to heart and do everything I can to help them. I understand that sometimes you don't even want a solution...you just want to be heard, to vent.

7. I've made stupid decisions: Yeah I've done some pretty dumb shit, but who hasn't? One thing I can say is that I've learned. I've learned that some people don't have good deep inside of them like fairy tales want you to believe. I've learned that yeah, some guys just are the scum of the earth. I've learned that drinking can't solve your problems.  But through all of the stupid decisions I've made I've also made sooooooo many good ones.

8. I've made good decisions: Yep I have to say I'm a pretty smart girl. The good decisions I've made outweight the bad. I've walked away from abusive relationships, helped people who didn't deserve it, forgiven those people who set out to hurt me, sacrificed because it was the right thing to do and the best decision I've ever made is always, always putting all of my faith and trust in God.

9. I'm "weird" : I personally don't think I'm weird but some people do. Is it so weird that a 19-year old black girl likes anime, video games, reading, comic books, mythology, and has a slight obsession with square-enix? HELL NO! I say that just makes me one kick-ass, interesting, and diverse person!

10. I'm afraid of change: I can admit...doing things that could drastically alter the course of my life frightens me. But I'm working on it. That's why I've decided to confront this fear head on. I'm letting my hair grow natural, I've sat out of school for any entire year, I'm trying to live a healthy lifestyle  and when I return to school I intend to be at the peak of my potential! This blog is going to help me with the progress :-D

Now that I've told you a little about me...I hope that you'll continue on this journey with me! I'll be posting another Ten things about me list in the future so if your curious to know more stick around! I promise it'll only get more interesting ;-)

~Yours Truly...Miss Niah <3

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