....And Niah's Story Begins in 3...2..!!!!!
Welcome! I hear blogging is therapeutic so I've decided to give it a shot! Please bear with me as I figure out how to work everything. This is my way of evolving and letting go all of the pain that has affected me for so long. I've decided to divide this blog into three parts: The Diary, The Truth, and The Journey. I hope this blogs helps someone as much as it helps me. Thanks for the support and enjoy!
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
The Truth: Quote of the Day
"Well if you look at all of the cultures in America, this is a great opportunity for us to really get acquainted with the rest of the world. America is the only place you can do that, but we don't have sense enough to take advantage of that."
-Erykah Badu
The Diary: U.S.A.
Land of the free! Land of the free! Land of the free but what about me? Oppression ain't the word in the land of the free. The chains of oppression can't bind me. I'm packing today...Land of the free I'm on my way. Let me get my tattered rags, my patched up bag, let me toss in a bible just for safekeeping. Oh my dreams? I'll keep em in my breast pocket, close to my heart and not far from mind, I'm on a journey to help me find....the truth and the light to free my mind and end my plight. Red, White, Blue gates I enter you....If I can make here I can make it anywhere! Who dare's trample on the heart that's bound to be free?! Who dares to try and stop me?! The old gatekeeper, Uncle Sam, chuckles at me and holds out his hand. "Silly girl, you ain't heard? Freedom ain't free." I hand him my coins and he shakes his head, he steps aside, and into the land of the free I tread. Oppression ain't the word in the land of the free. I still got my dreams right here in my pocket, still got some spirituality tucked in my wallet. Here in this free land I do tread...Here in this free land I do wed...democracy...hypocrisy...I soon began to see, freedom ain't so free. I wanna be free! I wanna be free! But the cost I have to pay is to steep. Taxation's! Taxation's! The Internal Reality Services are knocking at the door for my sanity! The Media says they want my sexuality! The Federal Beauty Investigation requires my self-esteem! Oh lord, I'm falling into poverty! Uncle Sam Uncle Sam says he's interested in my welfare...but he can't supply my needs so my spirit's getting sick I need medi-prayer because my health's failing to quick. Land of the free! Where's my freedom? I payed the price and now I need it! Right now! Right now! Red, White and Blue! You gleam in the sky! Can you help me I'm trying to survive! But in the Red I saw the blood of ancestors past, of mama's crying for a son that didn't last. Sweet lady I'm sorry you're so Blue...I would be more empathetic if maybe I'd seen Dear John's face, does he resemble Kayne? 2-Chainz? All you want for your birthday is to hear your son's name? I can't relate maybe if he was dressed in White I could picture his face. Land of the free what have you done to me? That's when the great Uncle let me in on secret...U....S....A....the united states of animosity, the united states of atrocity...land of the free....where freedom ain't free.
~Yours Truly, Miss Niah
~Yours Truly, Miss Niah
Saturday, June 23, 2012
The Truth: Quote of the Day
"And I figured out that the reason I couldn't get through the day as well as I can now is because I had too many things on my mind, on my plate, you know, for one person to have. So I started to eliminate some of the things that were too heavy to carry and unnecessary."
-Erykah Badu
-Erykah Badu
The Diary: Morning is a Long Time Coming...
Mistress of darkness...
my heart etched with pain,
filled with disdain...
the darkness, it...it
whispers my name...
the Darkness,
the Lioness,
she's always hunting...
morning is a long time coming....
As the sun sinks below the horizon...prelude to the night
The darkness creeps out...seducing my senses
smelling my fear...
I desperately search for light or knight's armor
to hinder what I know is drawing near she caresses me slowly, like a mother shielding a child
And all I can I do is hug her with tears in my eyes....weary, of her treacherous wilds...
but just like an abused child I cling to my abuser...
comfortable and uncomfortable by the constant confusion
Headaches that lead to heartaches that lead to heartbreaks
that make the soul shake and wash my body with sweat....
as I awake from my nightmares screaming your name...
...only to look around and see it was all in vain
all I have is the darkness. She is mine to claim.
she...caresses me with pain, assists in my strain
tickles my struggle, fragments my mind like a...cheap, scenic puzzle.
The darkness
the lioness
she's always hunting...
morning is a long time coming
~Yours Truly, Miss Niah
my heart etched with pain,
filled with disdain...
the darkness, it...it
whispers my name...
the Darkness,
the Lioness,
she's always hunting...
morning is a long time coming....
As the sun sinks below the horizon...prelude to the night
The darkness creeps out...seducing my senses
smelling my fear...
I desperately search for light or knight's armor
to hinder what I know is drawing near she caresses me slowly, like a mother shielding a child
And all I can I do is hug her with tears in my eyes....weary, of her treacherous wilds...
but just like an abused child I cling to my abuser...
comfortable and uncomfortable by the constant confusion
Headaches that lead to heartaches that lead to heartbreaks
that make the soul shake and wash my body with sweat....
as I awake from my nightmares screaming your name...
...only to look around and see it was all in vain
all I have is the darkness. She is mine to claim.
she...caresses me with pain, assists in my strain
tickles my struggle, fragments my mind like a...cheap, scenic puzzle.
The darkness
the lioness
she's always hunting...
morning is a long time coming
~Yours Truly, Miss Niah
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Monday, June 4, 2012
The Diary: The Righteousness...
we spent the night walking,
through each other's minds...
amazed at what was found and
staggered by the spiritual bounds
that were broken
prayers and whispers were spoken...
and payments of...love in unspoken tokens....
Spirituality that shattered a fragmented reality....
a bond that couldn't be understood, but only felt,
powerful enough to restore her health,
powerful enough to...to unite a sinner and a saint...
beautiful enough for a dilettante to paint....
But what is this?
could something so powerful get lost, in the midst?
A sinner and a saint you say?
A sinner who is lost in her ways?
A saint whose divinity will not allow him to sway?
A controversy that will not allow naturalization to make it's play?
An innocent bond now bound with fraught....
All because one lost soul couldn't control her heart
It pains the sinner to see...that for once her imperfections and impurity can't be accepted...by he
For he cannot accept what he cannot see....
And so invisible am I, that he cannot accept me...
~Yours Truly Miss Niah
*just a little diddy that fell from my heart
Monday, May 28, 2012
The Diary: Mrs. Lonely

What is the dictionary definition of a friend?
- a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard.
- a person who gives assistance; patron; supporter.
- a person who is on good terms with another; a person who is not hostile.
- a member of the same nation, party, etc..
- ( initial capital letter ) a member of the Religious Society of Friends; a Quaker.
As for me? I'm done with friends....absolutely done. Not to say that I will throw away all of the relationships I've built, the love that has grown, and the memories that are made. But I will find a better term for these people. One with more meaning, one that isn't just a summation of basic human decency. As for all of my "friends..." thanks for your services...but they're no longer needed...I don't need the basics, I want more.
~Yours Truly Miss Niah
*look for a vlog on part 2 soon :-)
Saturday, April 21, 2012
The Truth: Quote of the Day
"One of the things I learned the hard way was that it doesn't pay to get discouraged. Keeping busy and making optimism a way of life can restore your faith in yourself."
-Lucille Ball
The Diary: The Apology
I have to say, the past few months of my life have been eventful to say the least and because of this and my inner battles, blogging fell to the wayside. The gift of expressing myself seemed to be disappearing from me, poetic pockets of wisdom did not arouse me in the night, and it seemed I was forcing myself to be what I once was. I wasn't losing the passion...it just seemed that I was losing the talent. Even the times something refreshing and beautiful came to me...it didn't stay long enough for me to write it down...I would hover over my keyboard or notebook...and nothing but forced similes and stuffy metaphors would come. I felt like I was losing apart of myself and it was terrifying to me that I may never get it back. Thoughts were escaping me faster than I could write them down and it seemed writing was about to be a thing of the past. Now I realize, I was I'm changing. Now what does that have to do with writing? You see, I'm changing... (if you keep up with my blog you've read I'm afraid of change. If not It'll make since by the end. ) not in a bad way...but I'm beginning to come into myself, accepts my flaws, change my bad habits, and ultimately be a better person. While these are all good things, I once believed that the darkness within me was what fueled my ability to write. So what am I to do now that the darkness is fading? Hold on to some of it? Let it completely go? The solution that I'm working with now is to embrace the change, let it happen, and stop being so fearful of things to come. Now that I'm slowly flowing into the rhythm of words again, I realize it's time for me to expand as an artist, forget my past, forgive myself, and stop convincing myself I"m this...this cold, hard person that can't change. So I took the time to write this apology to myself so that I can always remind myself that in the end...everything will be okay. I'm just sorry it took me this long, to finally forgive myself, to forgive others, and let go. And while I'm not sure how this will affect me in the future, I realize that it's not my job to worry about the future...it's only my job to live and forgive....
I vow to always love myself first changes, flaws, and all....With that being said I'M BACK BABY!!!
~Yours Truly, Miss Niah
I vow to always love myself first changes, flaws, and all....With that being said I'M BACK BABY!!!
~Yours Truly, Miss Niah
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